
Min. temperature Max. temperature Min. size Max. size
- 15 degrees Celsius + 65 degrees Celsius 1 × 1 cm 50 × 100 cm

Heat sensitive labels

How does it work? It is easy:

We add a special additive into a transparent resin which printed self-adhesive labels are glazed with. Printed base is visible according to temperature.

Why are they a great promotional innovation?

a) Innovation on the market - be among the first
b) Design of the label by request
c) Displaying of logo after warming up or cooling-down

Where are they applicable?

a) A sticker on food and drink packaging
b) Advertisements in magazines
c) Original promotional sticker
d) Any place where heated or cooled items are sold


Ústí nad Labem headquarters and production facilities

2H Holinger, s.r.o.
Průmyslová 2
400 01 Ústí nad Labem
Czech Republic

Veronika Holingerová - Sales and Quotations
mob.: +420 775 577 112

Lukáš Melničák
mob.: +420 777 019 129
